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CRM Gamification

Dynamics CRM Gamification Tool for Training Employees

A quiz game is the new feature of WaveAccess Dynamics CRM Gamification Tool that allows you to improve the sales team’s knowledge about customers or company products, increase employee engagement and improve CRM user adoption.

October 6, 2015

How to encourage highly competitive sales managers to collabor...

Thanks to WaveAccess CRM Gamification Tool, you can create a team environment and encourage sales team members with group goals and incentives. It is a Microsoft CRM gamification add-on that introduces game mechanics in your CRM.

September 8, 2015

Reducing clients’ waiting period during the call

It’s impossible to constantly expand the call-center or lose customers because of the large queues on the line. Our Gamification Tool for Dynamics CRM can help develop a highly motivated team by adding built-in incentives.

August 12, 2015

Microsoft Convergence 2015: our enhanced CRM Gamification Tool

At Convergence 2014, our CRM Gamification module was really appreciated by attendees, so we did our best to present the innovated Gamification Tool at Microsoft Convergence 2015. Check out its new features!

February 25, 2015

WaveAccess is going to attend Microsoft Convergence 2015!

Meet us at Microsoft Convergence 2015! We cannot wait to see our partners and customers to share our insights and experiences, and also present our hot products that were enhanced with new features.

January 29, 2015

Microsoft CRM Gamification Tool. 40% Partner commission!

For the whole year, we will pay 40% commission to our partners when buying next Microsoft Dynamics CRM Gamification Tool. Increase your revenue and customers' CRM user adoption with one tool! Here is what we offer.

September 4, 2014

What's the easiest way to measure and increase MS CRM user ado...

Gamification Tool add-on gives points to users for each data operation they perform in CRM, therefore providing an easy way to measure user adoption, organize competition between users and teams, and get CRM adoption increased.

June 25, 2014

How to measure Microsoft CRM user adoption?

The ability to evaluate and improve user adoption is an integral part of the successful CRM implementation and its efficient operation. Gamification Tool is a perfect solution to that issue.

April 18, 2014

Convergence 2014: welcome to our upcoming webinars

Together with our partners from C4CRM, we were thrilled to be exhibitors on the Convergence conference and to present our products for Microsoft Dynamics CRM: WaveAccess Gamification, Relationships Chart, the "Migration to CRM 2013" service, and the Wave.Integrate platform.

March 21, 2014

Upcoming WaveAccess webinars: get prepared for Convergence 2014

Join our webinars to get familiarized with our Microsoft CRM products prior to the Convergence conference: “WaveAccess Gamification webinar – How to measure and improve CRM user adoption?” and “An introduction to Relationship Charts, Microsoft CRM add-on”. Sign up now!

February 21, 2014

Gamification as your winning strategy for successful CRM adopt...

Most companies lack a strong ROI from their Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Most often, the issue is a buy-in gap between management and sales. Check how you can increase your CRM adoption rates with gamification through applying WaveAccess Gamification4CRM tool.

October 2, 2013

Learn your customer better

With the new Game feature of WaveAccess CRM Gamification tool you can easily learn valuable facts about your customers between calls. Check how it works, and don’t miss a chance to install the tool!

August 2, 2013

CRM Gamification leaders’ board: when a game becomes a sport

A leaders’ board becomes a perfect solution to address the CRM adoption issue. It allows users to track their real-time progress and monitor their colleagues’ progress.

May 29, 2013

7 popular Microsoft CRM add-ons

Microsoft Dynamics CRM can be greatly expanded by adding different features necessary for each individual company. We rated CRM add-ons that are requested by MS CRM users more often than others.

April 23, 2013

How we process your personal data

When you submit the completed form, your personal data will be processed by WaveAccess USA. Due to our international presence, your data may be transferred and processed outside the country where you reside or are located. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.